3.5 Year old Drahthaar
Aggie II vom Red-Rock is a experienced upland dog. With a lot of upland species shot over her. She is whoa broke, force fetched and house broke. She gets along with everyone and thing. She is one talented dog with a lot of desire to hunt. We are finishing her up on water blinds. she could make a great waterfowl dog as well. She loves the water and to Retrieve. 5,500.00 SOLD PPU
18 Month Old Drahthaar
Pepper II vom Red-Rock is young female that has been through her VJP test with a score of 66. She is a well mannered mentally stable female that is powerful on game. She is crazy intense on point and loves to hunt. She is a medium distance searching dog. Her nose is exceptional. She will be Spayed unless sold to a VDD member. She would need to be finished testing to be a certified as breeding dog in the Drahthaar system. Her Mother is a German import with stellar background and her Dad is well accomplished certified Drahthaar. We will continue to train her and price will go up from her. She is force fetched and obedient with a lot of bird work. 4,500.00 Sold pending pickup!!!